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Top 3 Video Conferencing app’s for people who care about security

With COVID-19 Taking a firm hold of the world and its economy, the only way that we will be able to get through this the ability to work through the crisis. That means being able to keep people working productively from home, being able to communicate freely with with work colleagues via video and messaging. [...]

April 7th, 2020|

Quick Tech Tips To Help Protect You From The Corona-virus

Tech can be very useful if used correctly. These few quick and simple steps can go a long way to help protect you and your family from contracting the corona-virus. First, Start using Apple or Google Pay Tech If you set up these payment methods on your phone. They can help prevent you from unnecessarily [...]

March 25th, 2020|

TechBug Tech Tip – Work From Home, The Basics

Due to the current outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), And the requirement for many to work from home. Many People will be looking to set up their home office. We here at TechBug thought we would consolidate a list to make the most of working from home. FIRST - You need your own space Working [...]

March 18th, 2020|

Online Child Safety – Tips to Keep your Child Safe Online

The internet has become a staple in the lives of each and every one of us, including our young children. With the Benefits that come from the internet, there is also an abundance of online threats and risks that have arisen as well. Think scams, bullying, inappropriate content and the like. But at the same [...]

February 11th, 2020|

Key practices for securing your small business’s IT environment

If you run a small business, Your IT environment is one of your largest Liabilities. With almost all of your data flowing through a computer system at one point or another, your IT environment deserves the very best in security implementations. As a small business owner, It can be very easy to let your security [...]

November 21st, 2019|

Spilt water – Oh No! I just spilt water on my PC! What can I do?

First: Shut down your device immediately, you don’t want any power running through the device with even a little bit of liquid in it. Second: Disconnect any power source, including wall power and any batteries. If your device doesn’t have a removable battery, ensure that the device has been shutdown completely.  Third: Open the device up to allow airflow to the internal [...]

January 10th, 2019|