Apple’s plan to scrap Intel from their Mac lineup and move to using their own chips

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Apple’s plan to scrap Intel from their Mac lineup and move to using their own chips

Apple Announced at their annual WWDC Software and developer event, that they would soon be cutting Intel from their Macbook lineup entirely. While to many this may seem as a surprising decision, this has been in the works for a long time now.

Just two Reasons Why

  1. If Apple cuts Intel from their Mac product lineup, they have more flexibility and opportunities to improve their Hardware and Software optimisation. With Apple being both the hardware and software provider, the two can be co-developed to work together perfectly.
  2. Apple will no longer be relying on a third party for CPU improvements and Quality Control. This is something that Apple has been stuck with Intel’s relatively modest improvements year on year.

We already saw this announcement coming, with the direction of Apple’s marketing of the iPad pro. Something they boast is “More powerful than most Windows PC’s.” And honestly, they’re not wrong. The A12Z processor in their latest iPad pro is blazing fast.

Apple Optimisation and Efficiency

Apple’s hardware division is seriously killing it with their Ultra-fast yet supremely power efficient processors. In addition to a software experience that’s finely tuned to their hardware. Apple’s Mac lineup are some of the nicest machines to use.

But that’s not the whole story of course. Apple being Apple, This move will allow them to increase their Profit margin’s on all their devices running their custom silicon. They no longer need a third party to dictate what price they should pay for the processors in their devices. Apple’s only limitation is the cost of Materials and manufacturing. Both of which are very minimal when compared with the cost of purchasing them from a third party like Intel.

For most Mac users, the user experience won’t change that much. This decision will really only affect users of Intel Based Mac’s in the long term. Their machines are less likely to get Extended support or improved optimisation. Both of which Apple will likely limit to their own Custom Chip Mac’s.

Results for the End User

We will just have to wait and see what performance and efficiency improvements this will bring to the table. 2 day Mac battery life anyone? Here’s hoping. Really the important take away from this is that it really isn’t a great time to buy a new Mac. Hold off if you can for another year or so.

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June 30th, 2020|