Huawei hands Fixed wireless and FTTN customers some hope

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Huawei hands Fixed wireless and FTTN customers some hope

Huawei urges the NBN Co to hand the responsibility of “last mile” customers to them. With a spokesperson stating that there is no chance the NBN Co would be able to finance the project.

Being a leader in mobile technology, Huawei has offered a simple solution for Network Edge customers. The solution would enable them to get a more reliable, higher speed connection. The hundreds of thousands of end users on congested fixed wireless services or those on long copper FTTN lines had no chance of getting improved services, stated David Soldani, CTO, Huawei Australia.

Additionally, the latest election hasn’t helped matters either. Neither major party promised any more funding for the already well over budget project. Despite all their funding problems and complaints from customer, the NBN Co still recons they can complete the whole Project on their own.

Soldani suggested opening regional areas up to the mobile network Operators, using the mobile black-spots scheme. The resulting 5G Fixed Wireless Hybrid Network would reduce congestion on Fixed Wireless and Fibre-to-the-node services in remote area’s.

“We know that in outer-suburban and regional areas the mobile operators have plenty of spare spectrum available because there is very low population densities in those areas.”

Huawei Australia, CTO
David Soldani

Accordingly then, Soldani’s proposal is for the government to chip in some money to essentially fund 5G operators. Resulting in the NBN Co Relieving the need to serve some of its regional user base.

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June 26th, 2019|