Quick Tech Tips To Help Protect You From The Corona-virus

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Quick Tech Tips To Help Protect You From The Corona-virus

Tech can be very useful if used correctly. These few quick and simple steps can go a long way to help protect you and your family from contracting the corona-virus.

First, Start using Apple or Google Pay Tech

If you set up these payment methods on your phone. They can help prevent you from unnecessarily touching cash, credit-cards or payment terminals. All you have to wave your phone in front of the payment terminal’s screen. It’s that easy! Additionally both Apple Pay and Google Pay are integrated into most modern smartphone.

Second, Carry a stylus to avoid touching public touchscreens

You may have to touch a dirty touchscreen if you venture out for a cup of coffee or a grocery store.  This simple and cheap method reduces the risk of contracting the disease. It protects us by avoiding touching displays and tech that could have been contacted by an infected person.

Third, Monitor the Air quality by Installing an Air Quality Index app.

The coronavirus is more dangerous for people who have pre-existing respiratory problems. To keep their lungs healthy (and not irritated by environmental factors), they can use an Air Quality Index app to avoid places with high pollutant levels. And if your Air Quality app tells you your home has the air quality of Beijing on a particular day, you’ll know that you have some cleaning to do. Lets use the wealth of tech available to us to protect us from the Virus

Fourth, Utilise whatever food delivery service you have available.

To keep stocked up on food and purchase meals and snacks, the 21st century has given us a variety of food delivery tech and solutions. If we can use these to our advantage, we may never have to even leave the house. Therefore avoiding even the possibility of interacting with people who could be infected.

Finally, Use Video Conferencing software to catch up and interact with people

In today’s modern society we have a wealth of technology that allows us to communicate instantly with people all over the globe. We can use these technologies on a personal level and catch up with friends and family when we are isolated. This helps us keep up a positive mood. And also keeping us from exposing ourselves to the contaminated outside world.

If you need any assistance, feel free to contact TechBug on 1300 655 121

March 25th, 2020|