Ten years of iPad’s – An iPad Overview

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Ten years of iPad’s – An iPad Overview

It’s hard to believe but ten years ago, Apple unveiled their new revolutionary Market crushing product, the iPad. Named reportedly in homage to the Star Trek futuristic PADD device, Apple’s latest product was a game-changer in many ways.

A Brief History Of The iPad

Officially announced on January the 27th 2010, the iPad would soon become a a household name. If their kids wanted a tablet, they would want an iPad, there was no other option. The iPad became known as a Market crusher, almost completely stamping out any competition in the market.

And while the specs were, well perhaps, modest by today’s standards. With the device including the Apple designed A4 single-core processor, an admittedly decent storage drive of 64 gigabytes and a whopping 256 megabytes of RAM! Woohoo!

While you and I might look at those spec’s and die inside. Trying to comprehend how we even got by with such minimal resources. The iPad made up for it by running a lean Operating system. iPhone OS 3.2! An OS that was designed for the iPhone.


Clearly there was more here then meets the eye. The iPad wasn’t, well at the time, to be a laptop killer. No instead it would become a complimentary device of both you iPhone and you computer. It was designed to be a leasure device, a device that would allow you to watch movies and play games!

Upgrade Time!

Well, look how far the scrawny underdeveloped iPad has come. It has come as far to try and complete as a Laptop replacement device and has become know as incredibly powerful and efficient device.

If the original iPad was considered a running contestant, the latest generation of thoroughbred iPad Pro’s are like returning Olympic champions. With 16 times more RAM, around 1500% increase in CPU performance and a much higher resolution display. The New iPad pro is a great example of how far technology has come in the past decade.

If you or anyone you know needs help with upgrading to a new device. Please feel free to contact Techbug on 1300 655 121

January 29th, 2020|